You’ll find that many of our members, when not being bloodthirsty pirates, are very involved in making our community a better place. Our members have been leaders in most every professional, community, and philanthropic organization that exists in Bay County. From Rotary to the Bay Educational Foundation, and from Florida State and Gulf Coast to the Chamber of Commerce and the Tourist Development Council, our members build our community.
Members of the Krewe of Dominique Youx take our community obligations seriously, and this led to the founding of the KODY Foundation, a charitable foundation that supports local charitable organizations. While your Krewe dues are not tax deductible, donations to the KODY Foundation may be, so check with your tax professional.
Organizations that KODY supports may vary from year to year, depending upon the direction of the Board of Directors and the reigning King. However, we consistently support Salvage Santa, the Arnold High School ROTC program, and Girls, Inc. Here’s a recent local news story on our Foundation: